Goin2HeavenRU Inspirationals

Free inspirational writing posted on occasion from Author/Speaker Nancy Lucas. If any of the blog posts inspire you, feel free to forward them. To receive devotionals direct from the author, post a request reply to one. She will pick up your address and add it to her personal list. Enjoy and may you be blessed with the Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Keys Author Nancy Lucas Contributes to New Book, Hosts Book Signings Feb. 3-4

FLORIDA KEYS (443 words) -- It was only five years ago that Lorna Owens, an international speaker, life strategist, radio talk show host, attorney, registered nurse, and midwife was broke emotionally and financially to the point of looking under her couch cushion for money. Today, Owens shares her incredible come-back story in her long-awaited book Everyday Grace, Everyday Miracle: Living the Life You’re Born To Live released this week. "The book is a blue print for success," says Owens. What also makes it special is that men and women from 44 different countries, including Tavernier resident Nancy Lucas, share personal stories in one of 18 chapter categories. Owens said, “Each story is different, heart warming, inspiring. They will make you laugh and they will make you cry.”

Owens is scheduled to sign her book Everyday Grace, Everyday Miracle with Contributing Author Nancy Lucas the weekend of February 3-4, 2007 in Tavernier and Islamorada. “I’m thrilled to have my story ‘A 3% Perspective’ included in the gratitude section of the book as a reminder to me of how I want to be and as an inspiration to others,” says Lucas.

The book signing schedule is set for:

Saturday, Feb. 3
Lazy Days Restaurant
(4 – 5 p.m.)
MM 79.9 Overseas Hwy, Oceanside
Islamorada, FL 33036
(305) 664-5256

Sunday, Feb. 4
Island Community Church
(12:30 p.m.)
83250 Overseas Highway
Islamorada, Florida 33036
(305) 664-2781

Sunday, Feb. 4
Cover to Cover Books
(4 – 6 p.m.)
Tavernier Towne Shopping Center
Mile Marker 91.2, Bayside
91272 Overseas Hwy.
Tavernier, FL 33070
(305) 853-2464

Nancy Lucas graduated from Coral Shores High School and Florida Keys Community College. She lives in Tavernier with her husband and children. Nancy has a B.A. in communication arts from St. Thomas University in Miami, 19 years of journalism practice and 12 years as a business owner or manager. She is a contributing author to Everyday Grace, Everyday Miracle, and author of five books to be published. During the day, she enjoys her children and organizes a weekly playgroup for more than 50 families. Her moonlight job is running “Gifted Quill” a home-based writing business, which includes public relations clients such as Monroe Youth Challenge Program.

Everyday Grace, Everyday Miracle shares the story of Lorna Owens, a remarkable woman who successfully remade her life in the midst of adversity and who now leads women and men to their larger lives. Other inspiring stories come from men and women around the world who connect readers to a life-changing truth—that our everyday experiences are full of gifts from God. The book retails at $14.95 and is available at Cover to Cover Books and on Amazon.
For more information visit: www.lornaowens.com or http://goin2heavenru.blogspot.com

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P.S. Here’s a little teaser about the book …

Everyday Grace,
Everyday Miracle

L o r n a O w e n s



Chapter 1: “Engage With God”
Chapter 2: “Quiet Time”
Chapter 3: “Caring For Your Soul”
Chapter 4: “Angel on My Shoulder”
Chapter 5: “Power of Prayer”
Chapter 6: “Making the Connection”
Chapter 7: “True Self”
Chapter 8: “Sensing The Divine”
Chapter 9: “Becoming A Change Agent”
Chapter 10: “Re-entry”
Chapter 11: “Surrendering to Grace”
Chapter 12: “Choosing to Be Whole”
Chapter 13: “Living in the Now”
Chapter 14: “Mustard-Seed Faith”
Chapter 15: “Born to Serve”
Chapter 16: “Small Miracles”
Chapter 17: “We Can Always Go Home
Chapter 18: “Gratitude”

A Final Word


We all tell stories about what we’ve endured as a way to celebrate our triumph over adversity, and to encourage each other to believe in better days. We know, too, that sharing our delight in the wonderful things that happen to us lifts our own hearts and inspires others. The stories you will read in this book have been contributed by men and women from all over the world. I share them for the purpose of connecting us all to the truth that every day we experience grace and miracles. We need only to look closely and listen carefully to see the hand of God and hear the voice of God in our lives. When we learn to tune into the presence of God, our hearts are open and our lives are full of joy.

Imagine, as you read, that you are joining with the many thousands of others who are reading this book as well. Know that we are gathered together in this shared experience of passing on stories in our own voice. I hope this book will encourage you to share your stories of grace and miracles in ever-widening circles, and that perhaps you will pass along the stories in this book to support someone else.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

ABCs to the “Pursuit of Happyness"

The movie Pursuit of Happyness, based on the true-life story of self-made millionaire Chris Gardner, reveals three character traits that attribute to success; be Aware, Bold, and Controlled.

First, Gardner’s character, played by Will Smith, is aware of his situation. Even more, he’s aware of his actions and how they affect those around him. He sacrifices himself to guard the heart, mind, body, and soul of the son he loves. He sees when his son hurts, and chooses the words or action, to the best of his ability, to make it right. At all times, Gardner is aware of his plight, his strengths, limitations, and a path that leads to life and the pursuit of happiness. Matthew 7:14 says what is true in Gardner’s life, “But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

Second, throughout his life, Gardner is bold. The man takes a no with respect but doesn’t give up. He asks for what he needs and wants. He is a living example of 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.”

Third, self discipline is evident the way he controls his thoughts, anger and the appearance he gives others. He does not give into pity with fear, laziness, depression, sob stories or excuses. He does not give the enemy a foothold. One day at a time, he can say, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7).

Can we say the same?

(271 words; January 7, 2007)

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For further pursuit:

I AM AWARE: In your life today, how you can think, say, or do something better with each person:
1. God …
2. Yourself …
3. Someone you love …

I AM BOLD: For sometime this week, write down a goal you can accomplish to act on God’s spirit of power in these three areas:
1. I will not be timid the next time …
2. I will act in love by …
3. I will choose to be self disciplined when …

I AM CONTROLLED: Think of one area in which you struggle the most with self control. Fill in the blanks to write a plan of action you can commit to just for today.
1. Today I will fight the good fight for victory over _____________ because …
2. To finish the race today I will/will not …
3. To keep the faith I can …

You can do it! Cut the last portion out, keep it in your wallet or tape it to your bathroom mirror and each morning commit to the promise again – just for that day. God calls us to live one day at a time when he warns us in Matthew 6:34, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

May this bring you many blessings. I will pray for those who have taken this step each day as I look at my own list.


P.S. Here’s to the pursuit of happiness in your new year! Cheers!