Goin2HeavenRU Inspirationals

Free inspirational writing posted on occasion from Author/Speaker Nancy Lucas. If any of the blog posts inspire you, feel free to forward them. To receive devotionals direct from the author, post a request reply to one. She will pick up your address and add it to her personal list. Enjoy and may you be blessed with the Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Change is Good

If change is good, why is it dreadful and so stinkin’ hard?

Think of addicts. They have to hit “rock bottom” before they see a need to change. Then the first step is to get right with God. After that, with persistence and support, it seems life falls into place.

In the work place sometimes a job just gets so miserable it seems like you can’t take another day – or maybe even one more minute! The alarm goes off in the morning and the first thoughts are, “Oh no. Not again. Not today. Isn’t it Saturday yet?” Just thinking about it turns your knuckles white and tightens your jaw into a clench so tight you think you used gorilla glue in place of toothpaste.

The home front is the worst. Women spend DECADES locked into abusive relationships. Instead of facing change, they endure trauma after trauma.

Take the Israelites for example. The Egyptians held them as slaves, beat them, and tortured them. Yet God set them free and fed them manna. He gave them a cloud by day and fire by night to guide them.

In the midst of the most incredible conversion from a paltry existence to the Promised Land they whined and complained. Can you hear the nasal tone? “We liked it back there. At least there we had…”

Their whole lives were upside down but headed the right direction – along the path God had set before them. The only thing going wrong was their attitude.

Charles R. Swindoll said, “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.”

In your life, think of where you are emotionally.




If something is amiss could God be nudging politely (if not shoving you around!) to bring about the change he wants?

It was facing the fears that brought God the glory among the Egyptians.

Are you WHERE God wants you?

Are you WHO God created you to be?

Are you doing WHAT God wants of you?

Regardless of what area of your life, how could God receive glory if you fled in the exodus He has prepared for you?

Change is good.

Exodus 14:31
“And when the Israelites saw the great power the LORD displayed against the Egyptians, the people feared the LORD and put their trust in him and in Moses his servant.”

Gifted Quill Devotional
By Nancy Lucas
Oct. 5, 2008
395 words


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